Apple iPhone XS Max 3D Premium Hardcase


A step-by-step guide on how to use the designer can be found here: CLICK HERE
Please also make sure to answer all questions after you have finished designing your product – otherwise you won't be able to submit your design!
  • *Border Print of 3D Case

    Please note that you are designing a 3D case, which means that the sides of the case are also being covered by the print. In order to show you what the back and what the sides of the case are going to look like, we have highlighted the sides in RED. The colour is just to illustrate that those areas will be on the side of the case, they will NOT be printed in red! We strongly suggest to ensure that the red area is covered by your photo(s) as it will otherwise remain white. Also, please ensure to not put any important elements in the red area (including text).

  • *Cropping of Print Area

    Please note that the print area will be cropped during the print process, which means that up to 10mm on each side could be cropped. We therefore highly recommend not to place any important picture elements directly beside the black border line. If the photo product features any other cropping areas (e.g. camera holes), the same applies for those as well.

  • *Background Colour

    Beachten Sie bitte, dass die Hintergrundfarbe standardmäßig weiß ist (auch in dem roten Randbereich, das Rot dient nur dazu, Ihnen zu zeigen, welche Bereiche am Rand ist). Wünschen Sie bspw. einen schwarzen Hintergrund, so klicken Sie bitte auf den Hintergrund an einer sichtbaren Stelle, es erscheint rechts eine Auswahl der Hintergrundfarbe. Wir bitten zu beachten, dass es bei einfarbigen Hintergründen an den seitlichen Ecken zu leichten Streifen kommen kann, wir empfehlen daher, Bilder zu nutzen, die den gesamten Druckbereich bedecken!

  • *Verify Background Colour

    Please note that the background of the printed area will be white if not selected otherwise. You don't need to do anything if your photo(s) cover the whole print area, but if the print canvas still shows spots of white background, you can change the colour by clicking on it and selecting a different colour. 

SKU: 16016 Category:


If you need any help using the product designer, please first check our FAQ section as well as our easy to follow step-by-step guide. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us at

  • Cropping will occur around the edges due to the print process. We therefore advise not to position any important elements right next to the bold border line.
  • The standard background is white (unless indicated otherwise) – so if you don’t fully cover the white background and you wish to change the base colour, please click on the white area and select a different colour.
  • The print quality can only be as good as the photo(s). Please make sure that your photos are sharp, of high resolution and are generally of a good colour balance and brightness.

(Artikel 16016, 14015: 110879, 110880, 14017: 110877, 14028: 110875)

Additional information

Farbe des Rands

Schwarz, Weiß

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Standard Hintergrund weiß ist. Wenn Sie eine andere Farbe wünschen, müssen Sie diese auswählen!

Ja, ich habe dies verstanden und die Farbe des Hintergrunds gegebenenfalls geändert.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur die Bildelemente in der schwarzen eckigen Box gedruckt werden. Texte und Bildelemente außerhalb der Box werden abgeschnitten.

Ja, ich habe dies verstanden.